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About Aikido

Aikido is a modern, Japanese martial art that was developed by Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei. It focuses on positioning, redirection of an attacker's force, and controlling one's center to de-escalate conflict and prevent further aggression. Aikido techniques begin by deflecting or avoiding an attack and end by throwing or pinning the attacker.

There are no competitions or weight classes in aikido. Practitioners of all sizes and levels of experience practice together, cooperatively. We attack our partners so that they can practice a technique against that attack. Then our partners attack us, giving us that same opportunity. In this way, aikidoka (aikido practitioners) make progress in the art together.

About Kokikai

The Kokikai style of aikido was founded by Shuji Maruyama Sensei, who studied under O-Sensei and was a direct student of Koichi Tohei Sensei. Kokikai practice focuses on natural movement and the coordination of mind and body to achieve one's strongest state.


In addition to the motto of "minimum effort for maximum effect," Kokikai is defined by its basic principles:

  • Keep one point to develop calmness

  • Relax progressively

  • Find correct posture in everything

  • Develop your positive mind


Maruyama Sensei continues to innovate and evolve the art of aikido. Up until covid, he made frequent trips to the U.S. to conduct seminars and share his practice with American aikidoka.

Shuji Maryuama Sensei, founder of Kokikai Aikido

Shuji Maruyama Sensei

Nage (the defender), on the left, manipulates the arm of uke (the attacker) to compromise his posture.
Here nage (the defender), on the left, applies a wrist lock to control the attacker's motion. Though nage is bent at the waist, his posture is still stable and dependable. Uke (the attacker), on the other hand, is off balance and cannot continue to threaten nage.
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